Documentation GeneratorTravis Integration

You can use Travis to build your website. This is particularly helpful if you want to use the prerender option, which can take a while for large sites (about 1 second per page).

Here's a sample .travis.yml and build script. Each time Travis sees a push to your repository, it will build your docs in a second repository and push the result.

Note that you'll need to set the environment variables:

  • LUCYBOT_ACCESS_TOKEN - the token provided to you upon purchase
  • PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN - an OAuth token with push access to your target repo
language: node_js
      - "6"
  - "npm install -g https://$"
  - ./scripts/
set -e

git clone ../api_docs_generated
rm -rf ../api_docs_generated/*
lucybot build --prerender --destination ../api_docs_generated

cd ../api_docs_generated
git config --global "Travis CI"
git config --global ""
echo "Committing build"
git add .
git commit -a -m "Build API docs [skip ci]"
git push -q -u https://$ HEAD:master >> /dev/null 2>&1