Documentation GeneratorOpenAPI Extensions

We utilize a few extra OpenAPI fields to help describe your documentation.


Groups related parameters together. In the UI, each group of parameters can be expanded/collapsed. All ungrouped parameters will be shown after all grouped parameters.

Be sure to set parameter['x-group'] to the proper group name for each parameter.

Each group should have a name and a description. Groups can also have subGroups.

operation.parameters = [
  {name: 'message_body', 'x-group': 'message'},
  {name: 'recipient_email', 'x-group': 'recipient'},
  {name: 'recipient_name', 'x-group': 'recipient'},
operation['x-parameterGroups'] = [{
  name: 'message',
  description: 'The message to send',
  subGroups: [{
    name: 'recipient',
    description: 'The recipient of the message'


When x-global is set to true, the value for this parameter will be preserved as the user navigates between operations in the API console. This is particularly useful for parameters that control the output format of the API (e.g. JSON vs XML) or other parameters that are unlikely to change.


For == 'body', functions exactly like response.examples.

See OpenAPI Example Object


Determines what UI element is used to control this parameter. Valid values are:

  • text
  • number
  • dropdown
  • checkboxes
  • file
  • dynamicArray
  • body


Use this field to specify labels for each element of parameter.enum. These labels will appear in the dropdown for the parameter inside the LucyBot UI.

x-enumLabels should be an array of strings the same length as parameter.enum.

For example:

  "parameters": [{
    "name": "city_id",
    "enum": [1, 2, 3],
    "x-enumLabels": ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Tokyo"],


This populates parameter.enum with a call to the API. For example, you might have endpoints GET /stories, which returns an array of story IDs, and GET /story/{id}, which gets the details of a given story. You can use dynamicEnum to auto-populate an enum for the {id} input with a call to GET /stories.

Setting x-dynamicEnum will cause x-inputType to be a dropdown by default. You can also set x-inputType to 'text' to allow free-text in addition to the enum choices.

As an example, say GET /stories returns this response:

  "stories": [{
    "id": 123,
    "title": "Story 1" 
  }, {
    "id": 456,
    "title": "Story 2"

Then we can set x-dynamicEnum for the {id} parameter to show a dropdown with these stories.

var idParam = openapi.paths['/story/{id}'].get.parameters[0];
idParam['x-dynamicEnum'] = {
  "path": "/stories",
  "method": "get",
  "parameters": [{
    "name": "page",
    "value": 1
  "array": "stories",
  "label": "title",
  "value": "id"